A place for Humans

Global Commons: A new age political community defined by its boundary-breaking ethos, embracing all without limitations based on geography or race.

Wondering how the heck it will work?

Let's say bye to Clubocracies in disguise!
What is Global Commons and its goals

Let us bulid a new system

Ever wondered why addressing issues like inequality, corruption, and flawed governance seems challenging for human societies, despite remarkable achievements in space exploration and groundbreaking technologies like AI?

Global Commons is an unorthodox political community.

What is Global Commons?

Global Commons can be defined as 'a religion without gods' or 'a political party without leaders.' We strive for a society of human beings unburdened by rigid ideologies or social customs. Our goal is the collective formation of a set of ideas that promote practical changes in social regulation. Those who value love are invited to join us in shaping a space where collective progress and transformation take center stage.

Our Goals

To enhance the earthly existence and provide the utmost fulfillment to every individual, Global Commons identifies six essential elements for human flourishing. In stark contrast to the belief in ethereal missions or the pursuit of a better life elsewhere, Global Commons rejects complexities akin to other political societies. This philosophy transcends distinctions of labor, capital, and academia, encompassing all of humanity. The singular objective of Global Commons is to shape a reality where life, for every individual born on Earth, becomes an unparalleled and sublime experience. It stands as a collaborative endeavor, contemplating and articulating the practical pathways to manifest this vision.

Global Commons goal of optimal nutrition
Optimal Nutrition

Envision a world where each soul relishes optimal nutrition, free from the haunting visages of poverty and drought.

Global Commons goal of healthy sex
Healthy Sex

Imagine a world where everyone embraces a wholesome approach to sexuality, devoid of moral hypocrisies.

Global Commons goal of equal rights to better clothes
Best Clothes

Envisage a world where each person is guaranteed clothing that accentuates their individuality.

Global Commons goal of equal rights to shelter
Best Shelter

Imagine a refuge grounded in unwavering stability and warmth – more than mere walls, a haven that extends both security and comfort.

Global Commons goal of safe environment
Healthy Environment

Picture a world where ecological equilibrium is safeguarded, nurturing a realm of harmony between humanity and nature.

Global Commons goal of healthy society
Healthy Society

Envision a society that cherishes shared values, embraces diversity within its own circles, and seamlessly bridges the gap between the individual and the collective.

Embracing Collective Wisdom: Why Can't You and I Be Decision Makers Together?

Picture this: when we all chime in during elections to choose our current democratic representatives, we usually think it's a pretty smart move. But then, when it's time to craft crucial rules and decisions, the experts and courts consistently remind us that following the majority's opinion might not be the brightest idea. It's a real head-scratcher, right? We're putting out the call for a change, a fresh way of dealing with these situations.

Our Roads to Goals

Global Commons project universal constitution
U Constitution

In nations defined by language, the prerogative to legislate extends beyond the confines of a privileged few. A constitution crafted by individuals, united as one.

Global Commons project universal digital currency
U Flow

Creating and showcasing a digital currency prototype that addresses the shortcomings of traditional paper currency, tackling issues like tax evasion and counterfeit currencies with finesse.

Global Commons project universal marcation
U Marcation

Establishing a novel system of people's representation, designed to guarantee the inclusive participation of all.

Global Commons project universal business rules
U Business Rules

Crafting a new course of action for public regulatory offices, accompanied by a universal code of conduct applicable to all individuals, including representatives of the people.

Global Commons project universal infrastructure
U Infra

Establishing guidelines to uphold a globally high standard for the uniform design, management, and protection of public assets.

Global Commons project universal human life
U Human

Initiating a fundamental overhaul of personality development from early education, aimed at fostering heightened human interaction equitably across all strata of society.

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