Here are some of the frequently asked questions

What is Global Commons?
Global Commons is a political community strives to enhance the human experience on Earth through the establishment of practical thoughts.
Who can join Global Commons?

To join, you need to be really excellent at your own language, both in writing and speaking. You should also be comfortable writing and reading in English. We don't want Communists who've been members in the recent times. Former Communists can join only if they left at least a year ago. We're not accepting religious people.

To join, you need a clean record with no criminal involvement and a commitment to not harm others physically. We welcome those who actively contribute to the goals of the Global Commons community.

What is Global Commons ideology?

Global Commons is about people working together to make the world better. We don't follow any strict ideas but focus on everyone teaming up to make society better. Our main goal is to make life good for everyone without hurting others, nature, or the Earth. We want to come up with new and better ways of doing things for the benefit of all humans.

We also think it's important to keep things simple when we talk, even though we value people who are good at language and knowledge. We know not everyone is equally good at these things, so we want our communication to be easy for everyone to understand.

We believe in being open to criticism. Members can freely criticize ideas or people, exercising their rights. Global Commons won't defend against personal criticisms, and members are not expected to defend the community.

Members don't have to protect Global Commons or each other. If they do, they might lose their membership. Instead, we encourage criticism within the organization and from outside.

We're against organized power and leadership. Our model is different. If you are someone looking to build a political career, this is not the right place for you. If you want to know more about how Global Commons works, check out the 'By-laws' page.

Is there a potential for a difference in viewpoints?

Conflicts of opinion are normal. Global Commons doesn't claim to be perfect, just like religions or political groups in history. We know we have flaws, just like everyone else. Our goal is to work together to fix these imperfections.

While we don't like physical fights, talking it out is allowed among members. We think expressing anger verbally can be therapeutic. But if you want special treatment based on gender, sorry, this community isn't for you!

Conflicts, like the one mentioned, can happen in different situations. Our six goals focus on the hand-drawn part, giving us flexibility to handle complex matters.

Global Commons doesn't follow made-up moral rules. We don't have idols or leaders, and we don't support armed conflicts. In the grand scheme of Global Commons, we don't see any inherent differences between our members and others unless it's harmful to a single life.

Does Global Commons have rules about how people behave sexually, like workplace laws?

Global Commons has clear rules about how people should act sexually, which are different from what's usual in private, social, and government settings worldwide. While we don't oppose consensual relationships of any kind (like friendships, partnerships, or conflicts), our approach might challenge those used to typical moral values.

All members regardless the gender must understand sexual abuse, and we provide clear guidelines. Basic sex education is a must to help members identify and handle non-consensual advances. Reporting incidents of non-consensual sexual advances to law enforcement within 24 hours is mandatory. If someone chooses to realize such incidents later on (after 24 hours) for any reason, whether it's reasonable or not, we respect their decision, but they are not welcome.If any members do the same, they will be considered terminated from the community for a lifetime.

If the term 'polyamorous' bothers you, it's best not to join our community. In case of a dispute related to sexual conduct, the accused member's membership will be suspended until the legal case is resolved. If found guilty, their membership ends after the court's decision. Appeals won't reinstate membership.

If acquitted and the complainants appeal, the accused member's membership stays suspended. It's important to note that Global Commons can't investigate or handle crimes involving its members.

Global Commons does not possess the right to resolve or mediate any type of conflicts between members, whether they are civil, criminal, or sexual.

How Global Commons verify applicants statement?
Leaving a religion or political party isn't a common process, and it's tricky to check if someone has really done it. Initially, we only collect online statements. As more members join, we'll check through individual groups. To know more about these groups, visit the "By-laws" page.
Does Global Commons exhibit gender bias?
Global Commons holds no preference for any gender or sexual lineage.

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The author bears exclusive responsibility for the comments posted here. The author must craft their comments in accordance with the laws of their respective country, irrespective of any specific nation. It is essential to operate within the legal framework of one's own country while expressing thoughts and opinions. Comments remain unfiltered without moderation. Any instances of personal abuse will be promptly addressed upon reporting.